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We've been keeping a little secret + are spreading our roots even deeper! Now, not only can you enjoy Rooted Coffeehouse that you have grown to love from visiting us in our cafes or drive we're bringing Rooted right to your door! Each month, enjoy an exclusive box of our favorite, curated coffeehouse goodies + more!


Subscribers of our LIVE DEEP Monthly Surprise Subscription Box will receive ONE themed-box per month for SIX MONTHS to include a bag of our signature coffee beans + several other items, hand-picked exclusively for subscribers.


Each box is $65.00, including FREE domestic shipping. Your payment method will be auto-billed monthly + this subscription is valid for 6 months only. Subscribing authorizes Rooted Coffeehouse to charge $65.00 + tax to applied payment method each month for 6 consecutive months. After 6 months, you MUST RENEW your subscription to continue to receive boxes.


You can also make a one-time purchase for a box for $75.00, including shipping + no comittment. You will be billed for one box only. To make a one time purchase, please select the other product listing.


You may cancel your subscription at any time should you choose to do so. Cancelations must be processed VIA EMAIL before the next billing cycle, otherwise, you will be charged for the next month's box + will recieve that box. Please contact us via email only ( to CANCEL your subscription.


Items in boxes are considered surprise items + no specific item will be guaranteed in a box. Total value of each box well exceeds $65.00 + items cannot be purchased in shop. Some boxes may contain food items. Please use caution with food intolerances + allergies. 


We are SO appreciative of your support of our small business + are excited to continue to grow in our community + beyond!

    Price Options
    We're bringing Rooted Coffeehouse to you!
    $65.00every month for 6 months
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